
DIALOGUE: Recasting the story of India, from a Secular democracy to a ‘Hindu nation’

Repory by Dr PR Kalia-

Edmonton, June 3, 2023: “People hoped that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would bring progress to India are fading fast, as he has been making economic missteps and undermining democratic institutions. He has come under intense criticism for the treatment of religious minorities and as well as singling out opposition lawmakers and weakening democratic safeguards. Though India has enjoyed growth rates over several years and is one of the largest economies in the world, but only a small percentage of the Indian population has benefited from this impressive economic boom so far, as majority of them are still living in abject poverty. Over and above, Modi and his allies have squeezed, bullied, and smothered the press into endorsing what they call the “New India,” remarked Mangat Ram Pasla, an astute political thinker and currently a General Secretary of the Revolutionary Marxist Party of India (RMPI).

Mangat Ram Pasla was invited by Progressive Peoples Foundation of Edmonton

(PPFE) to share his views on the subject ‘Present-day challenges in Indian politics.” The event was held at the Seniors Centre (1580 – 48 street), on Saturday, May 3.

Further elaborating his opinion on the subject, Pasla said that over the course of Modi’s premiership, which began in 2014, he has turned India into an increasingly neoliberal democracy. Selling of nations assets his government has completely liberalised FDI and given foreign capital unfettered access to India’s resources and cheap labour. Our entire economy has been handed over to private players. Be it the defence sector, railways, atomic energy or even AI and more are being given for privatisation. Unlike former prime ministers, Modi will be remembered as a prime minister who served the purpose of corporates. His “New India” is subservient to corporates and not self-reliant.

Furthermore, the social fabric of the nation is under attack. Bharatiya Janata Party government has profaned Indian democracy, espousing an intolerant Hindu supremacist majoritarianism over the ideals of secularism, pluralism, religious tolerance and equal citizenship upon which the country was founded after gaining independence on Aug. 15, 1947. Drawing comparisons to Nazi Germany, the regime uses co-opted government machinerydisinformation and intimidation by partisan mobs to silence critics while dehumanizing the large Muslim minority, fanning social division and violence. Vigilante attacks on religious minorities have increased markedly, the ruling party has also taken steps to strip citizenship from Indian Muslims.

Pasla reminded the so-called Hindutva government of BJP that during the covid-19 pandemic more than 1.14 crore migrant workers (according to the Labour Minister) had to return to their native places during the lockdown in a challenging hot weather, without proper food, water, and shelter. Due to such unprecedented challenges many of them lost their lives on the way to their villages. Evidently, it has been a fact that a big majority of them were Hindus! Afterall, where was that ‘Hindutva  government’ that just multiply their votes in the name of Hindus, when those poor Hindus were struggling to survive? Undoubtedly, it establishes that Hindus are being used by them just to achieve their political goals.

As regards the working classes they work hard but are rewarded very poorly. They are a picture of discrimination, oppression, injustice, poor health, mismanaged resources and forced labour. Women and children, the weakest members of Indian society, have been suffering the most. In such poor circumstances, when people are deprived of basic necessities of life, education becomes extremely difficult.

Similarly, the lack of employment, which provides a livable wage in rural areas, is driving many Indians into rapidly growing metropolitan areas such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai or Kolkata. There most of them expect a life of poverty and despair in the mega-slums without sufficient drinking water supply, without garbage disposal and in many cases without electricity. The poor hygiene conditions are the cause of diseases such as cholera, typhus and dysentery, in which especially children suffer and die.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Pasla said that “the country shall have to unite against the government’s move to privatise India’s assets. A people’s movement is the only way to reverse the multi-pronged attacks on our Constitution by this government.”

A strong audience, numbering around 150, throughout remained very attentive. The question-answer session       also remained busy. Mostly the questions were related to the distressing performance of the Left parties who according to them were found wanting. They were eager to know that why they have lost their appetite to fight and are suffering from a disconnect with ground realities?

To all such queries, Mr. Pasla’s reply was, that the Left’s failure to adapt to new socio-political dynamics, and lack of introspection, and misplaced priorities has contributed to the Left being relegated to the periphery of Indian politics. Mostly, they have lost connect with the masses, which is being reflected in their declining vote share. Particularly, they are falling short of the standards prescribed for self-criticism.

Appreciating the qualities of Pasla’s head and heart, supportive and very engaged  audience gave a standing ovation to him. It was quite a memorable experience!

In the beginning, while introducing the subject of the dialogue, Dr. P. R. Kalia, President of PPFE, said that Mangat Ram Pasla has come to Alberta at a very appropriative time when the people of this province were involved in the Assembly elections. Since last month they were listening to the leader’s arguments against each others’ policies and vision, at large. Particularly, in this election, especially people of visible minorities (their numbers around 41% in Alberta) have been experiencing the same kind of animosity and bitterness as it prevailed back in the countries of their origin.

Specifically, the Indian diaspora often experience and compare the politics and prejudices of present ‘Hindutva’ regime with Alberta’s pro-autonomy and far-right politics being displayed by the supporters of the ruling regime, and a number of radical right political parties who had contested in this election.

Then, focussing on the ‘Dialogue’, Dr. Kalia stated that the ruling BJP and the champions of Hindutva sought to protect the native Hindu culture and traditions frequently resort to violence to achieve their aims. ‘Hindutva’ is a political ideology that advocates for Hindu supremacy and seeks to transform India, constitutionally a secular state, into an ethno-religious nation known as the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ (Hindu nation).

‘Hindutva’, as we know, is the official platform of the BJP. Parts of the Indian diaspora also champions Hindutva. The RSS, a paramilitary organization, sets the priorities and tactics for promoting Hindutva ideology. The RSS’s overseas branches actively operates to promote Hindu nationalist ideas and goals among the Indian diaspora, including in the United States and in Canada.

  1. D. Savarkar, the godfather of ‘Hindutva ideology, through his 1923 book Essentials of Hindutva, believed that in a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ some Indians will be more equal than others; while their most revered Guru M. S. Golwalkar developed this vision further through his book We or Our Nationalism Defined (1939). Promoting epidemics of intolerance and exclusion, he states that, The non-Hindu peoples in Hindustan…stay in the country wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment –not even citizen’s rights.” (Page: 48-49)

Still, there is no point to get into depression, as a big election setback for Modi’s BJP last month in the southern state of Karnataka has been a positive sign of the deep- rooted resentment manifested against the idea of BJP’s tormenting ‘Hindutva’ and pro-corporatist agenda to further weaken the struggling masses. Similarly, in province of Alberta’s just held Assembly elections, the voters have meaningfully downsized the strength of the extremist Right-wing ruling party. It establishes that, no doubt Democracy is a boon unless and otherwise it hasn’t been hijacked by the crony capitalism, or the communal designs of the psychopath politicians.

The need of the hour has been: BE AWAKE AND STRUGGLE

The event was started with a song highlighting the emotional concerns of the aging parents written and sung by a known local Punjabi singer Parminder Sooch. Visualizing the predicament of their senior near and dears, the audience was visually sensitized.

Taking a moment from the event, Kirtmeet Kohar, Secretary of the PPFE, efficiently performing his job as emcee of the program, introduced two resolutions for approval and adoption: The first resolution was to get justice for the aggrieved young Indian women wrestler’s silent protest organised to condemn the injustices meted out to them, by their authorities; while the  Second resolution was addressed to the government of Canada for a second thought to deport around 700 Indian students, mostly from Punjab.  Unfortunately, their “admission offer letters” to educational institutions were found fake, just due to the fraudulent measures adopted by some immigration agents back in India. The matter came to light in March when these students applied for permanent residency in Canada. People in presence unanimously passed both the resolutions, by raising of their hands.

Along with a number of eminent persons from the fields of politics, art and literature, re-elected MLA (NDP) from Edmonton-Meadows, Jasvir Deol, as usual, was in presence.

Audience enjoyed sumptuous snacks provided by All India Restaurant and Sweets.

At the close of the event, many in the audience had a photo-session with the visiting speaker, Mangat Ram Pasla.