
The NDP has dug its own grave

Maninder Gill-

British Columbia is about to go to a provincial election in couple of weeks and the BC NDP’S self righteousness and pen chant for woke policies driven by left wing extremism has started hurting its chances of a re-election.

David Eby of the NDP had everything a leader could wish for when he took charge. A balanced budget, good approval rating and a split in the opposition ranks came as manna from the heaven. Perhaps these favorable conditions made Eby complacent.  Eby surrounded himself with radical activists, sycophant MLAs and coterie of Ministers. All of that created an echo chamber for the young Premier; who was completely cut off from the ground realities. The Premier who lives in an ivory tower at the Victoria Island; does not realize the anguish of the working class people squeezed by affordability crisis and his favored carbon tax.  He dismissed the concern of parents regarding the future of their children as “rightwing” propaganda. By the time Eby realized his folly and took a few u-turns; it was too late.

BC NDP’s ideologically motivated education policies have turned schools into a space for indoctrination and grooming; schools have ceased to be a place of learning. Obscene books have been kept in school libraries to expose young kids to materials that are not age appropriate. Kids are being taught to administrate drugs “safely” at schools! Instead of focusing on removing portables from schools and imparting equality education, BC NDP’S minister Rachna Singh is proudly defending obscene material in school libraries and any concern by parents is dismissed as “rightwing”.   Rachna Singh has become the Minister of Indoctrination, instead of Minister of Education.

The Health system is in crisis; with patients facing painful wait times and frequent emergency closures. Patients have been forced to seek medical treatment in United States and India. Revelations from the health care workers have further revealed the horrific truth of the heath sector. Doctors and nurses are moving out of British Columbia due to incompetent policies of this government. Instead of building more hospitals BC NDP is creating safe spaces for drug users inside hospitals. A leaked circular of a heath authority revealed that instructions were provided to not to cease the drugs and weapons of drug users at hospital entrances. Surrey in particular has received step motherly treatment from BC NDP; it is poised to be largest city in B.C. still dependent on a single hospital.

Instead of fighting the drug menace and crime; the BC NDP has funneled the public money into distributing “safe supply” drugs to patients, where hard drugs are provided by doctors on prescription! The so called safe supply has ended up with drug dealers, making this government “Kingpin’ of this drug racket funded by public money. The woke drug policy has failed miserably in bringing the overdose deaths down. David Eby has taken a u-turn under public pressure from his woke policy of decriminalization of drugs. Crime and chaos is being witnessed on the streets, with the government adamant on opening new drug dens. Who know if the NDP wins the fall election, a new drug den could be opened at Surrey Central!

The Province’s finances have been put in crisis by reckless government; with a projected deficit of $126 bn people are wondering where all money is flowing. There are no big ticket infrastructural project or tax cuts provided to the public. How does David Eby plan to bridge this deficit? Which new tax will he levy like the Carbon tax?

BC NDP failed to listen to the concerns of common people, they failed to honor common sense. In doing so they have dug their own grave, now it is for the people of B.C. to bury them deep this coming election.

Managing Director

Radio India


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